Logo Design and Print
A company’s logo is perhaps the most crucial marketing material and unfortunately one of the most neglected because it is used across all your branded products. It is the first thing that pops into the customer’s mind when hearing the name of the company. We will help you to create professional looking logo or redesign your current one if you not happy with it.
The simple Logo design includes symbolized logo of your choice along with the name of your company. The turnaround time is very quick. These are generally priced at $100 with a satisfaction guarantee.
The advanced design includes customized graphics an effects to intigrate your company name in to the design. These are generally priced at $200, require a three day turnaround.
Animated Logos make your business stand out above your competition. The effects of such logos makes an impact among impressionable minds and can be used on websites and videos. Imagine the "Mr. Clean" logo. Typically an animated logo runs about $800 but can often times be less.