Economy Website Package
Economy Package is our lowest cost package. It includes a site built using online templates such as Google Sites, Wix or As a matter of fact, you can build these sites online by yourself for a very low cost. Why then would you hire us? Even though these sites are self-manageable, seasoned professionals as the ones working at SEO Sunshine can get the site configured correctly with tasteful placements of content in the templates. We are also experienced in the various template site offerings and could recommend the best solution for your business.
Economy package often comes with easy to deploy and use contact forms and some limited content management and database. For a higher cost, many of the online template site providers even allow you to scale up to starting your own online store.
So why are there more expensive packages on our site? Though the economy starter is everything you'd probably need to get an online presence, it is severly limited in design options and customizations. Therefore often times these cookie-cutter sites look very plain and diminish a certain professional feel for your business. Some of these sites also make up their cost through higher monthly fees. Our Basic Package, however, will stand out above your competition's web sites.
If you are a small shop who wants to just announce your presence online with limited language and simple layout, the Economy Package might suit you best. Let us help you determine if the Economy Package is the best solution for you.